Dynamic Earth, a state-of-the-art family five-star attraction in Edinburgh is set to re-open its gate from 3rd October during the weekend for visitors from 10 AM until 5 PM.
The attraction was closed since march 2020 for almost six months due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Visitors are offered full-year visits for free passes if the visitors buy a full-price ticket between 3rd October till 1st November as the re-opening celebration.
The new planetarium is set to open fully only during the winter. ShowDome has been transformed into the UK’s first and only Digistar 6K planetarium, providing a sharper and brighter picture for the much-loved films. The full planetarium experience will be available in the coming months, with brand new capabilities, including stunning high-resolution views of the night sky.
Marketing Director, Eilidh Massie, comments: “We’re absolutely thrilled to be able to open our doors again. While there are some changes in place at the moment, many of the changes are good ones, with more space to enjoy the individual gallery spaces and a first chance to see the incredible new planetarium!
“We are committed to providing the very best experience for our visitors in the safest environment possible, and look forward to welcoming new and return visitors to the attraction.”
As per Scottish Government guidelines, proper precautionary measures have been implemented by the center to protect the health and wellbeing of all visitors and staff during the pandemic is mandatory. Two in Scotland’s Time Lords and two in the Rainforest interactive spaces have been closed to maintain social distancing.
Wearing of face mask for all the visitors and staff except for 5 years child visitor. The center daily visit capacities have been reduced, and one way systems have been introduced within some exhibition spaces with 2m social distancing marked for proper social distancing.
Besides, the Time Machine will only be available to those with additional mobility requirements and guests with prams/pushchairs, and visitors will not be able to touch the iceberg until further notice. The shop, cafe, and toilet facilities will be open with additional cleaning and social distancing restrictions.
Source: @traveldailynews