The trailhead for The Toadstools is located between Kanab, UT, and Page, AZ. It’s about 45 miles away from Kanab and 30 miles from Page. The trailhead is marked but can be easily passed since most people are zooming down the highway.

Trailhead Coordinates: 37.1025731,-111.8741036

When you arrive, there is a small parking lot and admission is free. There is a sign and trail register at the start as well.

Toadstool Trail is relatively easy and is roughly 1.5 miles out and back. It follows a wash with some uneven footing, but it’s dog and family-friendly. Once you come out of the wash you’ll see the main Toadstool Hoodoos in front of you. Keep note of where you came from so that you follow the correct wash back to the parking lot.

Once you reach the main, large red Toadstool, you’ll be in a small canyon. There are other smaller toadstools and rock features about 100 meters northeast of the main one and another grouping 0.15 miles west.