Bengaluru: In an effort to bring the pandemic under control in the state, the Karnataka government this week issued a set of fresh guidelines and imposed a night curfew in the entire state. Along with that, the state government also imposed a weekend curfew to battle the Covid-19 pandemic. Across Karnataka, the new lockdown guidelines have come into effect from 9 PM on April 21 to 6 AM on May 4. However, the state government has urged the people to not venture out during curfew unless in case of emergencies/essential activities. During the weekend curfew which will be in effect from Friday night till Monday morning, all guidelines will be applicable just like the night curfew.
Can government employees involve in essential services go to work? Yes, they can move. Those who are part of industries and organizations requiring operations 24×7 and those deployed in essential services will be allowed to move and travel during the weekend curfew, but they have to carry their valid IDs issued by their employer.
Who can step out during the weekend lockdown? As per the guidelines from the state government, only telecom/internet service provider employees are allowed movement upon providing valid ID. However, essential staff of IT/ITeS companies can work from the office, others have to work from home. Moreover, people who are eligible for vaccination can move upon showing minimal proof.
Can patients visit hospitals? The state government has made it clear that the patients and their helpers who need essential travel are allowed to move during the weekend lockdown. Moreover, people who need medical assistance can also step out during the weekend lockdown.
What about grocery shops, milk supplies? According to the guidelines, the neighborhood shops dealing with groceries will remain open for four hours on Saturdays and Sundays from 6 AM to 10 AM. However, the online delivery of essential items is permitted throughout the lockdown.
Issuing guidelines, the Karnataka government said that the night curfew is imposed in the entire state from 9 PM to 6 AM and added that there shall be a weekend curfew from Friday 9 PM to Monday 6 AM.
Corona cases in Karnataka: The development comes at a time when Karnataka on Thursday registered another biggest single-day spike of 25,795 new cases of COVID-19, and 123 related fatalities, taking the total number of infections to 12,47,997 and the death toll to 13,885.
Bengaluru Urban reported 68 deaths, Kalaburagi (11), Ballari, Dharwad, and Tumakuru (5), Bengaluru Rural, Hassan and Mandya (4), followed by others. Tumakuru accounted for 1,231 new cases, Ballari 940, Mysuru 818, Hassan 689, Kalaburagi 659, followed by others.